Architectural design is a science that is based on three components – durability, usefulness and beauty. There are many great architects in the world who have created many magnificent buildings that we continue to admire to this day. If someone thinks that architectural design is only the ability to draw beautiful pictures of buildings, he is deeply mistaken.

The first work of designers should be considered the pyramids at Giza. True, there are people who believe that aliens built them, but that is a separate question. These pyramids every year come to admire a huge number of people. So is it not a true work of architectural design?

The ancient Greek sculptor and architect Phidias, who lived before our era, can be considered the first architectural designer. Under his leadership, the most magnificent building, the Greek Parthenon, was planned and built.

Then for many centuries, architectural design does not develop and stands in one place. And only the Renaissance period gives a strong impetus for the construction of new buildings. New names and magnificent buildings appear in architecture – St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, the Uffizi Palace in Florence, the Pandolfini Palace in Florence, the Olympic theater in Vicenza. This period can be called the golden period of architectural design.

And then came the Gothic, Baroque, Classicism… Each of these architectural styles has its own magnificent buildings. In the Gothic style is built the famous Notre Dame de Paris. In the Baroque style – Milotice Castle in Bohemia and the Church of Santa Susana in Rome. In the classical style – Peter’s Travelling Palace in Strelna and many other buildings.

Today, architectural design is an integral part of the design of any object. We want the buildings in our cities were not only durable but also beautiful. We want to be not only palaces and churches, but also ordinary houses pleasing to our eyes. True, in most cases this is very rare.

Some people compare architecture to music, which is literally frozen in space. And some architects can make the most real works out of the most ordinary stone. In this case, palaces and churches, majestic cathedrals and university buildings seem to float above the ground.

Modern architectural design also has its own distinctive features. Architects began to implement more daring ideas that previously simply could not be realized. For example, the Jockey Club Innovation Tower in Hong Kong is a structure made entirely of glass. It seems as if the skyscraper was built from a single glass monolith…

The fish market in Norway is no less interesting. This building, again made of glass and metal, stretches along the waterfront and is not only a market but also a landmark of the city.

But looking at all these modern buildings, it seems that they lack something. It seems that they are both beautiful and modern, and original, and unusual, and the audacity of the architect’s ideas one could just envy. Maybe we ourselves just don’t have the courage to accept such architectural design in our souls?